

Through our work with connective tissue we manage to find and dissolve blockages in the body so that all fluids, nerve impulses, meridian flows and all other functions in the body can work optimally again.

We ensure that cranial bones, vertebrae and sacrum find their correct place so that the brain and spinal cord can give the body optimal guidance again for the optimal functioning of the rest of the body.

When psychological or emotional problems negatively affect the functioning of the mind or body, we can find them, possibly discuss them and find a solution to these problems together with the client. This does not always have to be a “digging into the past”, sometimes it is enough to recognize trauma as an energy that has entered the body and can therefore simply be lifted out.

Perhaps the most important task in this work that we can offer is the tremendous peace and clarity that will arise when we bring a client into contact with their own pure energy.

In the center of the brain there is a “pump” that produces C-S fluid non-stop. This fluid is pressed through the brain and spinal cord and provides nourishment and cleansing. The pressure expands the movable plates of the skull, pushes vertebrae apart (so that intervertebral discs can relax for a moment) and pushes the sacrum downwards (if the sacrum is stuck, the lower vertebrae are pushed sideways which causes the intervertebral discs to tear = hernia). When the pressure becomes high, a “sprinkler system” opens and the excess used C-S fluid disappears back into the blood. Therefore we call it a semi-open hydraulic system.

Remember that the brain function consumes 80% of all our energy production. A miracle: During the day this system stops spontaneously. During these stops we dream or we take a nap (regeneration). When it gets dark, the epyphysis begins to prepare our body for sleep. When we go to sleep, the CS system stops. As a result, the brain function stops, so 80% of our energy is released and this flow of energy awakens the 'regeneration teams' in our body. In C-S work we imitate this system. As a practitioner we also learn to shut down our own C-S system. A simple calculation shows that so much energy is released during the treatment that the 'regeneration teams' of the client and therapist wake up. The maximum amount of energy possible is present and available during this treatment.

The techniques used are aimed at 'learning' with our body intelligence, the intellect of our cells. It is important to 're-learn' to function in a sphere of consciousness in which not thinking but pure intuitive feeling shows you the way. Listening to the Cranio Sacral rhythm and the movement language of the cells facilitates communication between the two bodies. From this foundation, the fascia release techniques and the cranial techniques are very easy to understand and perform. You learn to recognize and dissolve places where energy is blocked.

The goal is to create more and more space than is currently available so that the client can reach their maximum potential. Especially the brain is very grateful to be able to carry out its work in a larger space.

What we work with during a Cranio Sacral treatment :


- Connective tissue also called fascia. We have discovered that everything in the body, organs, muscles, bones and nerves are connected and enclosed in connective tissue. This connective tissue system forms a holistic unit, everything is connected with everything. It is a real "unified field" that you can feel as such! A good way to look at it is the comparison with the Internet, and any organ or muscle or joint that is "disconnected" from this inner web can and will cause a problem. We specialize in searching for these places and removing the problems.

- Dura Mater, Cranial Bones, Vertebrae and the Sacrum. The shell (Dura Mater) in which our brains reside is ossified on the outside. We call this ossification of the bones, the skull, and provided that these bones can move relative to each other, we have a good support here to increase the space in which our brains live. There is also an ossification around the spinal cord (the vertebrae), but these bones are loose around the Dura Mater and only in the Sacrum everything is fused together. This allows us to put vertebrae in the proper place and to dissolve the tensions in the Sacrum.

- The Cranio Sacral fluid and its rhythmic movement. The shell (Dura Mater) in which our brains live is filled with a very special fluid that even fills every space between the brain cells and supplies nutrients to these cells. This fluid is charged with "liquid electricity" (positive ions) and therefore is "the" receiver of the life force that is present everywhere. The specific formation of the openings deep in our brains where this special fluid is produced acts like an electricity turbine and in this way increases the potential in the Cranio Sacral fluid. The enormous force with which our Heart pushes the required blood to specialized brain cells helps these cells to transform the blood into Cranio Sacral fluid. This also contributes significantly to the generation of the electricity our brains need to be able to send their messages. All these factors, the propulsion by the Heart and the special turbine function within the brain ensure a maximum absorption of cosmic energy (life force) and all of this together creates a rhythmic movement that we call the Cranio Sacral rhythm.

Cranio Sacral therapy helps with :


Back pain and hernias - Arthritis - Painrelief - Whiplash - Stress and Burnout- Headaches and Migraines - Sinus problems - TMJ (jaw joint problems) - Insomnia - Fears - Heartache - Depressions - Loneliness - Lack of energy - Gastrointestinal problems -Psychological and sexual abuse - Post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) - Immunity system boosting - Pre- and post-natal depression Epilepsy - M E and MS -


It is difficult to think of complaints where CS could not improve the situation. Even after years and especially also with chronic ailments, which one must learn to live with or has learned to live with. Especially with children, many complaints can improve or even disappear completely. In fact, CS evaluation could begin immediately after birth. Then even many complaints that could later arise as a result of the wonderfully beautiful, but usually (certainly for the baby) also traumatic birth process, can be prevented. Cranio Sacral work promotes inner peace, meditation


Sometimes purely physical work is not enough.

If we feel a blockage that has an emotional history that has not yet been resolved, it is possible to speak directly with this 'trauma'. The cells or the organs ('the trauma') have not yet had a chance to actually express themselves 'they have to tell their story'. Questions like: 'Is there a problem, where does this problem come from, do you have something to learn from this situation?', provide insight and provide respect and space to heal the root cause of the situation.

Once the trapped emotions have been recognized and explored, the body is ready to deal with and release the 'trauma'. Somato Emotional Release (SER) is sometimes very spectacular to see and takes place in a 'timeless trance' for both client and practitioner



When a baby passes through the birth canal, the head and whole body are quite squeezed together. This is how it should be, and it is natural for this little body to unfold itself. Unfortunately, poor preparation and rushed delivery are still very common, and the consequences are noticeable for almost every baby and to a large extent even disastrous.

Cranio in the first months or years after birth can eliminate most of the problems that otherwise manifest themselves in later life. Learning how to touch the baby is the first step, so that you make a deep inner connection. It is necessary to 'learn' this so that you do not panic when the baby cries or any other problem shows up. This is the essence of quality time and it is the best gift you can give to yourself and your baby. Especially as a working mom, your time is limited and full of stress. This program teaches you to completely relax together with your child, while doing preventive work.

Helps or prevents:

- Crying babies - Learning disabilities - Sloppy baby - ADHD (hyperkinesia) and other behavioral disorders - Scoliosis - Dyslexia - Digestive Problems

Important remark (note from Dirk van Gysel): The techniques for babies taught and applied by the PCSA (academy) and the NCSV (Dutch professional association) are only SOFT techniques, which the nature of the child indicate BY ITSELF. There is NEVER any manipulation.

Cranio Sacral Therapy is by definition a subtle technique that stimulates the SELF-HEALING

Heartfelt gratitude for sharing the above information to Etienne PEIRSMAN, international founder and inspirator of the PCSA ( Peirsman Craniosacral Academy)



The upper cervical vertebra (atlas) is the most important link in connecting thinking and feeling. Using a vibrating pen, we awaken the nerve center below the rim of the skull as well as the muscles and joints of the shoulders Atlas correction leads to structural and functional improvement and strengthens the self-healing capacity.

Starting position: imbalance

Almost everyone's head is more or less asymmetrical on the first cervical vertebra. This often is influenced by severe manipulations at birth (especially with umbilical cord around the neck, forceps or suction cup delivery) or later severe trauma (mechanical or psychological), which have triggered a reflective muscle defense response in the upper neck muscles. The tone of this muscle group is the reference for the development of the upright posture. Depending on the severity of the misalignment and the exacerbations due to constitution and trauma (concussion, whiplash, but also accumulating psychological stress), this leads to fewer or more pronounced complaints.


After the Atlas correction, the body reacts according to the physical and psychological condition of the individual. The extent and speed with which recovery takes place will therefore differ from individual to individual. Health complaints will recover relatively quickly for some, while for others it will take more time because more recovery reactions take place first. Over time, the general condition improves and immunity strengthens. The endocrine system and emotions are also more in balance.

Many people who have undergone the treatment report that they are much more likely to adopt an upright posture. They are often also better able to deal with stress and give better direction to their own life. Overall, therefore, one experiences a feeling of greater alertness, openness and overall balance. Nevertheless, the Atlas correction should not be seen as a panacea for all kinds of ailments. Rather, it is a basic condition that helps to strengthen the self-healing ability and utilize the body's potential as fully as possible.

It is also striking that other natural remedies such as homeopathy and osteopathy can have a much deeper effect after an Atlas correction.


Reactions after treatment

In the weeks or even months after treatment uncomfortable reactions can also be experienced. These reactions are also part of the process of self-healing and can be compared to temporary exacerbations that also occur with homeopathic, osteopathic or other treatment aimed at enhancing the self-healing capacity.

Possible difficult reactions that can occur are:

Fatigue, muscle pains in the neck, back and lumbar due to adjustment of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Previous illnesses that have not been "cleared up" may reappear briefly and then disappear. Therefore, listen carefully to your body. Notice the changes and support the self-healing process with massages, exercise, healthy food, and plenty of water to drink.

Craniosacral therapy, flower therapies and others treatments can be supportive in the management of these types of recovery reactions.

Therapy Consists of 2 sessions with an interval of 4 to 6 weeks. For the vast majority of clients (> 75%) this is sufficient for a sustainable correction. In the first session, the atlas correction already largely takes place. During the second session there is a check, an addition (deepening) and evaluation.


This method allows the human organism to recover and strengthen. But above all, this method is preventive and is therefore best applied to children as early as possible, especially after a difficult birth (mechanical or psychological extra stressful circumstances). It helps them to grow and develop in a more balanced way

With gratitude to Dr. Jan Devriendt